White Rhino is a 3 times cup winning White Widow cross. It was the second prize winner of BIO High Times Cannabis Cup in 1996. White Rhino has a sweet, fruity taste and gives an intense and long-lasting narcotic effect. It’s an incredibly medicinal plant, particularly for insomnia and pain or tension in the body, however its effects can be overpowering for some.
2nd Bio HTCC 1996
2nd Champions Cup 2005
Indoors, flowering should take 9 weeks, with a yield up to 900 gr/m2. Outdoors it should finish by the first week of October (in the North hemisphere) with a production up to 1200 gr/plant. Due to the Indica cross, White Rhino is more compact and shorter than White Widow. It is a short, branchy, round plant. Very good for SoG and SCRoG.